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Custom Training Programs

LEADERSHIP – A Fortune 100 looks for guidance

March 29, 2018


A Fortune 100 company had found its electrical safety standards compliance had not kept up with its recent explosive growth. It reached out to Mastermind One80 for guidance strong enough to support an industry leader.

“This client was a welcome challenge because they demand excellence in everything they do,” said Mastermind One80’s Cindy Walker. “The results were fantastic and I enjoyed the opportunity to work with a tremendous organization.”

We set forth to deliver a customized Electrical Safety training program. Along the way, we designed and developed key pieces of the program including policies & procedures, work permit job aids and more.

“Cindy is a true professional and a leader,” said the organizations Maintenance and Engineering Manager. “We’ve since put her to work on other projects and she’s considered a part of our team.”

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Cindy Walker

Cindy Walker is the principal prodigy behind Mastermind One80, guiding the integral strings of instructional design, learning and development, technical writing, and design thinking for businesses of any shape and size.